Knowledge hardly helps our intuitive cognition of language; we could not easily become Olympic athletes just by understanding some scientific theories on the possibilities of our body, how to train ourselves and so on. It seems to me rather reasonable to say, from the point of view of Yogācāra, that the idea of dividing language from thought might be a delusion, perhaps caused by the function of words inventing meaning, and that they could be fundamentally identical in ontology: until the moment I felt as if my words were gone, my thought should have been Japanese, that is, Japanese should have been my thought. What happened to me must have been something trivial if I had placed myself into the depths of my consciousness. Simply because my thought, which I thought I could render in English, was actually Japanese, a serious contradiction arose between the two languages: there was no way to keep my thought from the crucible of self-denial. And yet this contradiction was unavoidable. To solve this situation I need to have another thought instead of Japanese, which used to be my thought. Thus I have to be two, or my body, the mouth of which is sealed, has nothing to do but stare at the unearthly emptiness surrounding me, about to tear me into two bloody pieces of flesh.
"What are you doing??"
1週間ほど前からは一部のソリストらがイタリア・スペインをツアー中。僕はスペイン合流組ということで、ようよう自由な時間を満喫しています。おととい4月9日はDay of National Unity*だったこともあり、今週は奇蹟的に週休2日(笑)。ひまにまかせて、『火の鳥』の全曲スコアを眺めたり、サボっていた語学の勉強にいそしんだりしています。